Northern Territory
Katherine & Daly Rivers and Litchfield Natl. Park
Feb. 8 -18 •
April 5 -15 • June 7 -17 • Sept. 6 -16

Outback: Australia’s legendary and remote last frontier is
a vast region of stunning red-gold desert, subtropical wetlands,
spectacular waterfalls, redrock formations, rainforest and savannah
- all teeming with wildlife . . . kangaroos, dingoes, crocodiles.
Our itinerary follows the course of the Katherine River as it gently
flows westward to where it joins up with the upper reaches of the
Daly River. With visits to aboriginal homelands at Nitmiluk Gorge
and Litchfield National Reserve. A true wilderness safari, this
trip features miles of class I - easy class IIIwhitewater, superb
fishing, a relaxed pace ideal for exploring, plus fine cuisine,
and pristine outback campsites.
several nights at outback inns, plus two city nights in coastal
p.p.Incl. 4 nights hotel accom., all fees, taxes. Single supplement
$750 deposit required. Trip meets in Darwin, Australia.
Itineraries & Dates; 4-12 days also available;
incl. wildlife/camping safaris & hiking options in nitmiluk
natl. park
4 day river portions from $1250 p.p. -2- 12 people. Inquire for
here to download Itinerary & Logistics (pdf)
reservations and other information contact us at: