is my pleasure to recommend most highly to you, and
the Smithsonian Institution, Sunrise County Canoe Expeditions.
I have been taking canoe trips with S.C.C.E for more than five
years and, without exception,the trips have been extremely well
run. S.C.C.E. Combines so many things that make for a wonderful
trip: highly experienced and competent guides who place
a premium on safety and carefulness; delicious food, well
prepared; guides and guide assistants with a great knowledge of
the outdoors and a warm positive spirit that makes for
an extremely enjoyable group psychology; and intelligent selection
of rivers and seasons in which to travel.
Busby, Philadelphia PA
Having paddled with Sunrise County Canoe Expeditions for ten years
now, I find it hard to stop. Each trip has brought a most
pleasurable and rewarding experience. From what my fellow travelers
tell me, they, too, have come away with a sense of satisfaction
after such an adventurous and wholesome vacation.
Rio Grande is a favorite among us veterans, as evidenced by the
number of repeat trips we make. If warm weather, beautiful flora
and dramatic scenery are of interest, then that's the place to
be in spring.
any trip which runs along smoothly the underlying planning and
attention to safety that are so vital can easily go unnoticed.
It is comforting to know that there are always back-up plans and
extras of everything; and, most important, there is a total concern
for the well being of clients. Rapids are viewed and assessed
prior to descent; safety equipment is at the ready. In addition,clients
are provided with advice and options in negotiating any challenging
for the guides, I have traveled with most of them on trips over
the years and have always found them to be the embodiment of consummate
skill, judgement and equanimity. Many of them have been with Sunrise
County for years.
Johnson, Reading, MA
ability to teach movement on the water is exceptional. I would
not have believed that we could have gained the mastery that we
did in as short a time. You certainly delivered the technique
you promised.
McGarvey, Washington, DC
me to thank you once again for your superb personal effort in
making certain our trip was a resounding success. There is
nothing you could have done to further enhance the overall feeling
that this was without doubt a supremely positive experience for
all participants. My personal congratulations for an extremely
well run organization.
a businessman's perspective, I was eagerly anticipating the
results of talking our management team on this atypical sojourn.
I now state without any hesitation whatsoever that Merrill Lynch
Canada will definitely make this an annual affair. To a man and
woman, every single one of our participants has expressed to me
that this expedition was not only one of the most effective business
gatherings they have ever attended, but a personal best relative
to any special experience in their own lives
and your personnel created an atmosphere (and a challenge!) which
fostered a high level of espirit de corps, teamwork and the development
of close personal relationships. In addition to these obvious
corporate benefits, we are still talking about the superb food,
our newfound expertise as canoeists and the close personal attention
given to all of us by your staff. I could write volumes in tribute
to their obvious skills in handling a diverse group. It is also
due to their effort that we all have a renewed appreciation for
nature as well as having discovered a new adventurous sport which
we will pursue for the rest of our lives.
my sincere appreciation for a perfect trip. The result exceeded
our expectations by a wide margin.
Moir, Merrill Lynch Canada, Toronto, Ontario
ability to instill confidence as well as create the necessary
anxiety so that fine line of performance is realized to the best
of one's ability is an uncommon trait that you and your staff
possess.... I will remember this fall trip as one of the finest
wilderness experiences ever.
Gerrish, Woodstock, VT
have participated, both corporately and personally, in trips
run by this fine organization for some five years. The quality
of service, the attention to detail, and safety which Martin Brown
provides in his organizational A-1. All of the participants on
the trips we planned were new to paddling, but thanks to the guidance
of Martin and his team we all soon became quite proficient. ...We
frankly would consider no other organization but S.C.C.E.
deWerth, Wood Gundy, lnc., Toronto, Ontario
On our home river, The Saint Croix and other Maine
to thank you and compliment you on the superb 7 day canoe
expedition on the St. Croix we just completed. It was
truly Glorious! and as advertised! just what I had hoped for!
I particularly
wanted to say that our guides - Jamie and John - were just marvelous
people; technically knowledgeable, totally professional, careful
and responsible, superb cooks (with a flair!) and extremely good
natured, affable and enjoyable people. The trip would have been
quite different without the benefit of their companionship and
I certainly
got what I hoped for. . I wouldn't change a single thing.
I snitched some brochures to pass among my friends!
von Hipple, Newton, MA
river (St. Croix), superlative organization, loved your guides
... we will be returning for more sooner than later!
Churcher & C. Roberts, New York, NY
entire Fall Foliage St. Croix River trip of September 19 -
24 seems still to be a mirage. It was, indeed, a beautiful
experience. My compliments to you and your entire staff. To Rachelle
Hunt and Tom Halleneback - the food was superb - instruction and
guidance - patient and thorough. .. an unforgettable experience.
Hallenbrand, Glenmoore, PA
started out as such a nervous Nellie! . . . (but your guides)
unstinting efforts to keep us dry, well-fed, safe and sound certainly
gave us an enormous sense of security at all times. They could
not have been better guides, cooks, and company. Their consideration
and support of my daughter and I was super-nice. I really think
that we owe the success of our Maine venture to their total commitment
to all of us in the group.
Innis, Houston, TX
someone asks me what was the best part of my time in America,
I will remember fondly my special week on the St. Croix River
Proppe, West Germany
want to take the time to thank you for the truly unique
experience on the St. John. Certainly, for myself it was entirely
different from anything I had ever experienced, but one in which
I learned a great deal and grew as well. I certainly have a deeper
appreciation of the outdoor life and environment, and how precious
a possession it is.
degree of hard work and energy that you and your staff put into
these expeditions is truly admirable. Even more remarkable
is the fact that you do it with a considerable amount of flexibility
and innovation.
L. Slavens, M.D., Syracuse, NY
Saint John River was one of the few events of my life which
I really valued to the point of wanting to go back and do over
I appreciate
especially your and your staff's overall sense of enjoyment of
the trip, the relaxed tempo which you set, and particularly the
sense of humor which prevailed.
again for the wonderful trip.
Stane, New Cannon, CT
me,the experience of canoeing on the Machias River far exceeded
my expectations... I felt at the end of the trip stronger
and more satisfied with myself, because I was beginning to learn
the skills of canoeing in so short a time and was proud of all
the little achievements.
O'Keefe, New York, NY
loved our trip down the Machias River.. . Fabulous ... we
had a marvelous time we will never forget. Our family will
definitely return!
Bentley, Cairo, Egypt
trip down the St. Croix was the most wonderful vacation I have
ever experienced. And, strangely, I am realizing that
more as time goes by.
Hart, Roslindale, MA
a fabulous week it was! As a newcomer to Maine, and to canoe
travel, I can only tell you that the recent trip down the St.
Croix was a delightful adventure in every way. I shall certainly
look forward to returning in future summers.
R. Mills,
Worcester, MA
On Our Quebec Trips..
for organizing a superb Moisie River expedition, and
special thanks to your guides. They were outstanding in every
respect from teaching general canoeing techniques to safety, river
rescue, great stories and great companionship. And they responded
like professionals in a medical emergency when it was necessary
to fly someone out.
pace and serenity of this incredible river, the white water and
the majestic scenery stand by themselves. The river has to be
seen; words won't describe it. That goes also for the good quality
food ... there was not one complaint on the trip from any member
of our party. Thanks to all of you for a world class river trip.
Bourassa DMD,Ph.D., Boston MA
Nels (our guide): I want to thank you and express my admiration
to you, for making our Moisie trip a pleasure and success. I learned
many new ways to cope with the wilderness, both on river and in
camp. I believe your judgement was flawless while being well reasoned.
Without your commitment, I am sure the trip would have lacked
the vitality that showed every day. I am generally not free with
compliments, nor do I usually concede that someone possesses such
superior skill or knowledge. In this case, I have no hesitation
in doing so. I admire your skill as a leader, canoeist, cook and
friend. You made the trip an outstanding success for all of us.
Jordan, Moraga, CA,
again, my thanks to you for your leadership, patience with
a rookie, and your skillful imparting of wilderness ways in a
rugged situation. Not since Navy days have I had such a challenging
and rewarding experience.
Bekkedahl Adm., U.S.N. ret.
beauty and interest, and for me at least, a high but proper
level of physical demand. Your trip on the Chamachuane is
remembered with appreciation, both personal and professional.
Thorensten, Delmar, NY
On The Rio Grande and Southwest..
Having returned
recently from our week"s canoe trip on the Rio Grande River with
S.C.C.E., we want you to know that it was a superb experience
that even exceeded our expectations (and they were
very high!). You run a first-class operation. Your guides, Tom
& Lisa, were a wonderful team; their knowledge, skill,
attitude, sense of responsibility for our safety, tact, and sense
of humor ... The spectacular beauty of this scenic river, the
canyons, the desert country, and the warm, sunny, and rainless
weather all made for a delightful and memorable trip. We
could go on and on, but the adjectives like superlative and wonderful,
and a dozen others, might embarrass you. Truly successful in every
respect. We plan to go again!
& Mrs. Kellogg, Bangor, ME
Rio Grande ... one of the most memorable experiences of
our long lives!! I even took the liberty of writing to Gourmet
Magazine asking them to do an article on your trips and the miracles
that appear at mealtimes! Our guides, Lisa, Tom,
Brian, and Myron were most professional, dependable,
FUN and a joy!!
& J. Milne, Norwich, VT
absolutely marvelous trip (on the Rio Grande); We enjoyed
every minute of it. You always have such nice people and staff.
We think it's wonderful that you folks have built up such a spectacularly
successful operation!
E &
R. Hawtin, Northeast Harbor, ME
just completed our San Juan River trip... Truly amazing! Tremendously
impressed with you, and the high caliber crew...very special people.
An outstanding job handling all the myriad details and anticipating
our every need, furnishing to us a wealth of information. The
whole trip was very unique. very special! ... and the music added
still another dimension!
Sanborne, Westboro, CT
want to thank every one at Sunrise County for a terrific trip
on the Rio Grande. Great weather, spectacular river....but
the real "icing on the cake" was the excellent camaraderie of
the crew and the clients... one of my best canoe trips ever.
Rothburg, Woodbridge, CT
I want
to thank you for showing us so much beauty, we are
so glad we took the Rio Grande trip - it was even more
fabulous than we thought it would be.... a real treasure
Giancarlo. New York, NY
On Baffin Island & Other Northern
note of thanks
for an absolutely first-class canoe trip on the
Soper River, Baffin Island. You billed it as the "ultimate northern
canoe trip", and it lived up to its billing completely.
I have traveled all over the world and have never enjoyed
a trip more. I was particularly impressed by the flexibility
and creativity of you and your guides... The trip was run like
I try to run an operating room - with attention to every
detail. Your concern for all involved and superb guiding are both
much appreciated. We look forward very much to canoeing with you
again in the near future - perhaps on the Rio Grande.
Goodman, M.D., Quincy, MA
truly awesome!! -M. Ewing, Boston, MA
trip on the Soper (Baffin Island) ... What a great trip!!
I commend you for your organization, creativity and leadership.
Moreover, from another in the service industry, I recognize the
challenges you face in producing satisfied clients. Your challenge
is perhaps magnified by the expectation of your clients. ... I
cannot think of an outing, trip or holiday I have enjoyed more.
Miller. Uniglobe Travel Ottawa, Ontario
again I want to thank you and the entire group at Sunrise for
what I have come to realize was one of the very
best vacations I ever had.
Dyer, St. Louis, MO
I really
enjoyed everything about the week's trip on the Leaf River.
In retrospect, the whole journey seems to have left emotional
impressions not unlike those feelings that remain, like after-images,
from viewing a movie that really moves you.
Levine, New York, NY
On the Youth Program..
for introducing David to this whole different world. Since
he's been back from his Maine adventures we have noticed many
changes in him. He seems to have gained self-confidence from his
weeks of surviving in the woods, learning so many new skills and
making so many new friends ... this new respect he seems to have
absorbed through you and your guides for others and for nature
itself. Nothing but example could have taught him that. Again,
we express our gratitude.
Hutchinson, Haddonfield, NJ
so happy that my son once again was able to experience the thrills
of going down the Rio Grande, and accepting the responsibility
of working as an apprentice guide. This arrangement, and his exposure
to your expeditions, have added significantly to his maturation
into adulthood. I want to sincerely thank you and your people
for allowing Jeremy to be a part of your operation.
Alcock, Thousand Oaks, CA