A lush
tropical paradise, situated between Panama and Nicaragua, Costa
Rica is home to some of the most stunning rain forest and volcanic
mountain scenery in the world. A small, friendly, democratic nation,
with a long tradition of peace and political stability, Costa
Rica boasts one of the most extensive national park systems in
the world. Twelve thousand foot high mountains (several of which
are still active volcanoes), along the continental divide, host
awesome cloud forests teaming with exotic wildlife. From these
mountains the rivers flow - through pristine jungle rain forest,
spectacular gorges and canyons, through rich farmlands, and ultimately
out to the sea. There is astounding eco-diversity; each type of
forest containing its own separate, yet intertwined system of
plant and animal life. Besides several species of monkeys, three-toed
sloth, opossum, and jaguars, over 800 species of birds have been
recorded, including 8 different species of native parrot.
In the
early 80’s, prior to the country becoming known as one of
the world’s premier eco-travel destinations, Sunrise was
one of the first outfits to pioneer river running in Costa Rica.
Now, in the year 2002, due to client demand, we have decided to
once again return - offering a multi-faceted itinerary featuring
two of its finest rivers.